Sunday, September 25, 2011


I have the men in my life wrapped around my little finger! :)


It has been so long since I posted anything...Here is a quick run down.  I started back to work and Ellie started Day Care.  It was very hard to leave her but I see her everyday on my lunch break.  It helps to split up the day.  Some days she is asleep and never even knew I came but I know :)

Our girl was 11.5 lbs on her last check up September 8th.  She is getting so big so fast!  She is a wonderful little one.  She is sleeping through the night which has been good for her and mommy!!!!!

My new hat!

Mom and Ellie

Love my duckie passy

back at ya!

that was pretty funny

now I lay me down to sleep

First Day of Day Care

I love the mornings!


This is a good one of Mommy and Me

Here are some updated photos...some old, some new :)