Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 17...

People are starting to ask teachers if that Counselor lady is pregnant? :)  Starting to look more pregnant than just chubby.  Three more weeks until we find out the sex.  Poor Ry got the flu this week.  I have put Lysol on everything...praying baby and I don't get sick!  Ry took this picture...He was not happy about the Auburn sign one of Nate's classmates made.  Ry says....Roll Tide!

Week 16...

Daddy had to leave for a couple days...when he got home he was surprised how round mommy's belly has gotten :)  Mommy was surprised how tight her t-shirts are.  She is now wearing Daddy's more.

Week 15...

We for check up....Baby's heartbeat was around 155bpm.  Five more weeks until we can find out if we are adding a sister or brother to the group :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So new mom jitters got the best of me yesterday...I called the doctor because I was up all night with stabbing pains in my abdomen.  After a quick physical, test and use of the doppler to hear the baby...all was determined to be ok.  Baby's heartbeat was at 150 bpm.  I pray a lot for this little bit.  Already committed and in love with this little one.  Excited to meet either Ellie Havyn Fleming or Elijah (Eli) Thomas Fleming!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 14...

Daddy says Mom barely looks pregnant here :)

Week 10...

I got a head of myself...Week nine came with tragedy.  Colorado Nicole passed away November 26th, 2010.  This loss being one of the greatest of my life and this pregnancy being one of the greatest gifts has been amazing.  I went to the doctor for some cramping and told them about Nicole.  The nurses we so nice...they did an ultrasound at week 10 for me.  It was exactly what I needed!  Look how much I have grown in the last three weeks!

Week 13...

Think I may have felt the baby move for the first time.  It was quick and only once.

Nate's class

Nate's class is helping me keep track of the weeks of our pregnancy.  Each week we take a new picture with a sign that was made by one of Nate's classmates.  This way you all can see my growing belly :)  This was week 12!


Michigan Nicole, BFF, sent me this beautiful bouquet to celebrate my first ultrasound...THANKS NICOLE!!!!

First Ultrasound

We had our first Ultrasound November 14, 2010.  We were seven weeks pregnant.  I cried as soon as I saw the little one and heard the heartbeat.  It was the most amazing thing!  (Yes, I know this is sideways but I can't fix it :))

Starting a blog

Dear Family and Friends...I am starting this blog to keep track of this amazing experience of being pregnant.  As you all know, Patrick and I tried for a long time to get pregnant and wasn't sure if this was going to happen.  Then at a time when I needed this baby the most, I found out I was pregnant!  The day we found out that Nicole, my old roommate in Colorado and one of my most favorite and important people in the world, cancer had spread all over her body...I found out I was expecting (Oct 23, 2010).  This baby has given me hope, excitement and knowing that new beginnings happen every day.  I flew out to see Nicole October 30th, 2010.  She mentioned on my trip that she thought I was going to have a girl.  We will see if she was right in a few weeks.