Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5th, 2011

Well our due date came and went...

Today, we check into the hospital at 3pm.  They will do a few things today but will start Pitocin tomorrow morning.  I have been running high on emotions going between excited and nervous mostly.  I have prayed more times than I can count for the safety of this little girl and myself.  I have prayed that I get to stay with her and be there for life events that I didn't have my own mother for.

All the bags are packed, video camera charged, car seat ready and now we wait for the time when Ellie makes her big arrival.  I have been blessed beyond measure when it comes to becoming pregnant and being pregnant.  I can only hope that labor and delivery are great.  That this two vessel umbilical cord has not caused any complications.

I am already in love with this little girl...amazing really, to love someone kicks at you and sits on your bladder but you have never seen :)  I can only imagine the feelings I will have when I get to hold her.  To whomever is reading this...please pray...pray for Ellie and I to make it through this process with no complications.  To let all this worrying I have been doing for the last nine months be for nothing :)

Ellie, Daddy and I are excited to meet you, so have a safe journey and we'll see you soon!  Love, Mom


  1. I know everything will be great! I will pray for your family today and tomorrow. Just a warning though... the worrying has only just begun! I thought I worried a lot while Jack was in the womb, but I only worry more about him now! :) Best wishes!

  2. Thinking of you!!! Keep us posted and can't wait to see pictures!!!
