Monday, February 7, 2011


So the best of my anxiety got me today.  I ended up not sleeping well last night, haven't really felt baby move too much, stomach soft and just feeling chubby, not pregnant.  Called Doctor and they did a doppler to hear baby heartbeat.  It is strong at 160 bpm.  Feeling much better now.  Very excited to see this baby on ultrasound week from tomorrow. 

I wish I could be a laid back pregnant mom but I am so afraid that something will go wrong.  Need to have more faith in God's plan for me and this family :)  I wake up every morning feeling so blessed that I get to continue to make this little one bigger and stronger. 

Both boys decided this weekend that they want a little sister.  Ryan does because he thinks girls are cute.  Nate does, I think, because it is one less distraction in their boy time with dad :).  Nate said that he is going to be a big helper though...I know both boys are going to be great!

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be such wonderful Mama! Isn't it so wonderful to hear the heartbeat? I'm looking forward to finding out what you are having. I know I haven't seen you or felt your tummy, butI'm pretty certain it's a girl. ;-)
